Jaguars defeat GACC
On Saturday, January 11 the Jaguars traveled to West Point go against GACC. The Jaguars took home the win, scoring 71-52. The offense for the Jaguars was on fire as they never gave up their lead once they had it. The Jaguars' Head coach Kevin Janata stated, “After a back-to-back, it was great to see the boys come out, play hard, and execute the offense. It was a great shooting night and once we had the lead, we never gave it up.”
The scoring per quarter is as follows:
HD: 19-28-13-11 with a final score of 71
AC: 13-10-12-17 with a final score of 52
Leading scorers for the Jaguars are Nathan Tomcak with 18, Hunter Luther with 16, Andre Martin with 14, Carson Heard with 9, Dane Meyer with 6, Chase Luther with 6, and Briggs Ernst with 4. The Jaguar’s current record is 9-3. The next time the Jaguars play is Friday, January 17th in Howells against the Wisner Pilger Gators.
- HDC Yearbook Staff