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Jaguars fall short in exciting game

On Saturday, December 14th the Jaguars took on the Oakland Craig Knights in Howells. In the first quarter, the Jags led 6-4 giving them a close lead. In the second quarter, the Jags scored an additional 6 while the Knights scored 5, making the game 12-9 at the half. In the third quarter, the Knights would fight back making the score 24-21 with the Jags still having a close lead. In the 4th quarter, the Knights went on a roll to score an additional 13 points while the Jags would only score 10 bringing the game to a tie at the end of regulation with the score being 34-34. In an exciting game pushed into double overtime where the Jags would score 12 while the Knights would score 16. Unfortunately, the Jags would not be able to come out with a win and would fall short to the Knights with the final score of 46-50.


The leading scorers for the Jags were: 

Senior- Carson Heard with 13 points

Junior- Nathan Tomcak with 12 points

Junior- Dane Meyer with 9 points

Junior- Andre Martin with 8 points

Junior- Hunter Luther with 4 points


Leading the team with rebounds were Nathan Tomcak with 13, Dane Meyer with 10, Andre Martin with 8, Hunter Luther with 5, Carson Heard with 2, Ethan Prusa with 1, and Cooper Kreikemeier with 1. 

Leading the team with steals was Nathan Tomcak with 4, Hunter Luther with 2, Andre Martin, Carson Heard, and Dane Meyer with 1

The Jaguars will take on the Lyons-Decatur Cougars on Friday, December 20th. 


  • Written by: Melvin Delgado